Tuesday 19 March 2019

Ways to Get a Cracked Tooth Fixed

The cracks on the teeth can occur as we age. These cracks can also be called “craze lines”. The craze lines are actually cracks in the tooth enamel and they remain limited to the superficial outer layer of the teeth. The major reason for their development is the normal wear and tear of the teeth. If craze lines do not penetrate the inner layer called dentin, you do not have much to worry about.

Seeing a crack on the teeth can be frightening if you are concerned about your dental health. In this situation, you will need to see if those cracks are vertical. If it is the case, you do not have to worry about the crack because it may not require any treatment as long as you are not feeling any pain.

On the other hand, there may be sensitivity pain in the tooth which has the crack. The severe conditions involve consistent pain. Depending upon the types of teeth, types of crack and depth of the crack, your dentist may suggest a treatment to fix the crack. The treatment can be as simple as crowning of the tooth if the damage is not that bigger. However, the severe damage to the internal layers and jawbone can lead to the dentist making a decision about removing the tooth.

One thing worth mentioning here is that there is a difference between a crack and a chip. The chip can be detected with the help of a special tool called explorer. You can also detect a chip with the help of your tongue. You will be able to feel the roughness on the surface of the tooth if there is a chip. If the chip is not detectable with the help of explorer, you don’t need to worry about it because it will not require any treatment.

Difference between a cracked tooth and a chipped tooth
Majority of cracked appear in the back teeth where the chewing of the foods happens. All types of cracks can be defined as “Cracked Tooth Syndrome”. Typically, a cracked tooth requires more invasive treatment as compared to a chipped tooth. If the crack is deeper, dentist may suggest a root canal treatment which involves removal of the infected nerves from the innermost chamber of the tooth. After the removal of infected pulp, the tooth is sealed and is covered by a crown. If there is an even severer case, the dentist may choose to remove the tooth.

Chip on the tooth may seem like a bigger issue but it is not as serious as a crack. The chips mainly appear on the front teeth. There may only be an aesthetic concern about the chip of the tooth. The most suitable treatment for a chip on the front tooth is the application of dental veneers.

Whether it is a crack or a chip, you can get it fixed with the help of your dentist. While a minor chip or crack may not be a big deal but you need to visit the dentist to get the affected tooth checked.

Taking Care of Dental Health during Pregnancy

If you are pregnant, you will have to ensure better overall health in order to ensure healthy arrival of your baby. Oral health is one of the most important things to take care of in this regard.

There are a few things that you need to take into consideration in this regard.

Dental care and pregnancy
According to the health experts, it is safe to go for most of the diagnostic measures and treatments during pregnancy. Taking care of your oral health is important not only during pregnancy but also during your entire lifetime. Moreover, you can go for any dental procedure during this time even if the treatment requires you to be sedated through anesthesia. Nevertheless, you need to take recommendation from your health physician before any dental treatment as a precaution.

Timing of dental care
Generally, you can go for dental care during any stage of the pregnancy but the final months of pregnancy are a bit complicated. Dentists have to consider several factors before going ahead with the dental treatment. Generally, you can go for the dental treatment during second trimester without worrying about anything because pregnancy at this stage is more stable than initial and final months. If dental treatment doesn’t affect the baby, you can go for this treatment at any stage.

Impact of pregnancy on your teeth and gums
Pregnancy can affect your oral and dental health in a number of ways. Some of them are worth discussing in this regard.
  • Pregnancy gingivitis is the type of gum inflammation which occurs specifically during pregnancy. The major reason for this occurrence is the hormonal change in the body. This change causes increase in the body’s vulnerability against infections. Therefore, you need to make sure that you take care of your teeth and gums in order to avoid any inflammation of gums and other soft tissues of the oral cavity.
  • Tooth erosion is another issue which can arise during pregnancy. Problems like acid reflux are usually more common during pregnancy. Moreover, the frequent vomiting can cause teeth to be exposed to the acids. This situation can lead to the enamel erosion.
  • During pregnancy, the issues like acidity, food craving and hormonal change are quite normal. Therefore, you have to ensure proper oral hygiene.

Things to do during pregnancy to ensure better oral and dental health
To ensure better dental health, you have to make sure that you stick with your dental hygiene routine. Brushing and flossing on daily basis is quite important. Moreover, you are going to have to eat balanced diet only. Due to high craving for foods, you may choose to go for the fast foods but it is not going to be a wise choice. Moreover, you will have to make sure that you visit your dentist regularly.